Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just another weekday morning...

630am Wake up. Pull out treadmill. Grind coffee. Check on sleeping child.
6:45am Open treadmill. Pour coffee. Check on sleeping child.
6:50am Get on treadmill. Hearing sleeping child waking. Get off treadmill. Check on sleeping child- who is in fact just dreaming loudly.
6:55am Drink coffee. Watch the weather. Get on treadmill.
6:59am Hear sleeping child waking. Check on sleeping child who is in fact dreaming loudly. Again. Get on treadmill.
7:06am Repeat.
7:15am Repeat.
7:30am Say, "forget it." Drink more coffee. Watch weather on another channel. Close treadmill. Put treadmill away.
7:40am Check on loudly dreaming child. Get in shower.
8:00am Check on child who seems to be neither waking or sleeping. Get dressed. Drink more coffee. Contemplate how to get that child out of bed and leave the house in 30 minutes.
8:10am Try to wake child. Fail. Make child oatmeal. Try to wake him again. Fail.
8:30am Eat some of childs oatmeal. Try to wake him again. Fail. Eat more of childs oatmeal.
8:37am Try to wake child again. Succeed despite his yelling at me about wanting to sleep.
8:40am Dress grouchy child. Put him at the table and feed him. Read devotions. He cheers up.
8:50am Start car. Come in the house to find oatmeal in childs hair, on his clothes, in the ible... Yes, the ible. *sigh.*
8:52am Clean up oatmeal. Redress child. Put childs shoes and coat on. Start walking out the door as the child insists on using the potty.
8:54am Take off childs hat and coat. Put him on the potty. Read the potty book.
8:56am Read the potty book again.
8:58am Repeat.
9:00am Clean up the potty and cheer wildly despite frustrations over the time. Give him potty chart sticker.
9:09am Put childs hat and coat on. Walk out the door.
9:15am Drive towards childs school. Take him inside.
9:22am Suppress guilt over child begging me to stay and play. Convince him he will have much fun with his friends today.
9:45am Get back in car and drive towards work. Text boss, "Late."
9:47am Receive text from boss, " The potty again?"
10:15am Vogue to send child to bed earlier tonight. Tomorrow...repeat.