Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Independence is a lovely thing. Particularly when that independence is streaming from your 3 year old. There is no greater satisfaction then a little voice calling out in a zip past the kitchen door, "I have to pee!"

Pee away, little man. Pee away.
My H has been doing incredibly well with using the toilet free of my assistance. No more diapers. No coaxing him to even think about peeing in the vicinity of the toilet. H is a free man!
Maybe I spoke too soon.

Giving him a moment of self-respect, I wait with baited breath, my hands resting wet on the edge of the kitchen sink, head tilted as I listen carefully.

His voice wails in panic, "Mom! Quick!" Collecting myself I peer around the corner.

Let me tell you first, our apartment is a decent size for what we pay for it. With no complaint his little legs can run from one end to the other. Our bathroom, however. If you HAD to have more then 1.5 people in it, well, just let me say, you might want to find another bathroom to use. I can easily start H's bath while sitting on the pot myself all while washing my hands in the sink. It isn't exactly 'spacey.'

In this moment it might not have been so convenient for H for such a small bathroom to be a part of our apartment. Peering around the corner I see my poor, scrappy, three year squeezed tight between the side of the toilet and the wall. "What happened?" I ask, trying not to smile at his misery. His face full of angst he responds, "I fell in the garbage!"

He wasn't lying. His poor naked bum was stuck straight in the garbage, his knee squeezed between the side of the commode and his little body.

"Get me out of the garbage! he demanded. "I'm just a little person! Get me out!" I couldn't help but laugh as I pried him out and helped him pull himself together.

"Are you ok?" I ask. His face scowled at me.
"It ISN'T funny." His brows hung heavy over his long eyelashes. "I was IN the garbage."

Poor kid. Ok, well maybe it was a little too soon not to be offering some personal assistance for the bathroom.

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